I've been afraid to try jalapeno peppers so far although I've had good luck with a little bit of pico. I used to love spicy food before treatment and I've been leary of it since treatment ended. I'm just now getting back into having salsa and chips at my favorite tex-mex joint. Over all my sense of taste has been coming back quite well, although sweet is the slowest to return. I would say that I'm at least 70% of where I was prior to treatment. Of course 70% of my taste is pure joy compared to no taste at all. I've been lucky in that I've been able to finish everything I've attempted to consume.


Base of Tongue SCC. Stage IV, T1N2bM0. Diagnosed 25 July 2003.
Treated with 6 weeks induction chemo -- Taxol & Carboplatin once a week followed with 30 fractions IMRT, 10 fields per fraction over 6 more weeks. Recurrence October 2005.