Hi, This seems strange to me - but perhaps someone can tell me if they had a similar experience. My husband finished the radiation treatments on 11/29/02 - needless to say, for about a good month or two - there was constant phlegm...to the point where I was going through rolls of paper towels (for him) faster than the stores were cranking them out! Then as everyone mentioned....it went away almost as quickly as it came on. But then my husband had the surgery (neck dissection) on 2/6 - and as of lately, along with the swelling - the phlegm is back and constant - just like right after the radiation treatment. What could be causing this? I'm thinking it must have something to do with the swelling - but maybe it's still an after-effect of the radiation. And on the subject of the swelling - it looks to me that the one side of his face is still a bit puffy - but most of the swelling seems to be under the chin and neck area now. I suppose this is why a lot of the food/liquids are getting caught in his "2nd throat". Of course, I'm just trying to analyze this myself and trying to see if the pieces of the puzzle fit together. My husband has his next appt. on 5/13 with the oral surgeon. He has been eating solids - but he feels his body is trying to tell him not to eat solids - but perhaps be on liquids, so he wanted to give Ensure a try (again). Even after the radiation was over with - he was eating "solids" albeit soft foods w/lots of gravy or sauce, soups, etc - and it was tedious at first, but he was managing. I just don't know what to make of all this. Any feedback on this would be appreciated. Thanks so much.