I'm trying to get a hold of some of the Carnation Breakfast Drink VHC that has 560 calories. I called the 1-800 number and said they were out until Friday. They're hoping to get some in. They said if they do they won't be able to ship it next day air until Monday. Meaning that I won't get it until Tuesday. I also have my pharmacy trying to get some and they were told that it would be 7 to 10 business days. Does anyone know another way I can get some in the next day or so? My husband has lost 11 pounds in five days. He is very fair skinned and looks very burnt. He had a rad treatment Monday and then the Dr. wanted to stop for 2 to 3 days. We go on Thursday to see the rad. Dr. and at that point he will evaluate and see if we can start up the treatments on Thursday again. My husband is feeling awful and I am very anxious. It's storming right now so that fits my mood. If one more person ask how is it going I just my slug them. I'm even getting ____ at people who say "You're in our prayers". My husband and I are both Christians so that is really bothering me that I feel that way. Sorry I went off there for a minute. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this forum to come to. I know my family and friends are just trying to be helpful. It's just that the only thing they know about this disease is that now they know someone who has it. Well there I went again. Sorry. I probably should be posting these last few comments somewhere else. I just am really looking for the Carnation VHC if anyone can help. Thanks.

Caregiver - I have found the true meaning to that word in the last few months.