I seem to get better all the time at putting my foot in my mouth. I did not mean to imply that Brian was trying to or making me feel bad. In my zeal to share something that I had learned, I didn't stop to think that the very capable folks who are "in charge" here would have already made this info available. I know how hard Brian works and what a wonderful advocate he is. I hate to think that I have taken for granted anything that he has done/is doing. I do feel bad that he and Sheldon took their time to sort through all that is "out there" and I paid no attention to it. And then more of Brian's time was taken up to point out that this and MUCH more was already available here. As I said, I am sure it is frustrating to spend time and energy gathering all this info, putting it at our fingertips and then have it not be used. I will tell you one good thing that has come from this, I have searched this site much more thoroughly and found tons of info. Maybe others will be prompted to do so as well.