Marica - you are right-on when you say patience is not his strong suit. He's a stubborn fellow - very strong-willed - and he refuses to stand in line for a movie or restaurant or museum or ANYTHING now that I think about it! He is one of the hardest working men I know, and this has realllllly put the brakes on that aspect of his life. He's coping OK with that part because he has such a strong team at work and the business is thriving. He is NOT coping well with not being able to do things around the house like he always has. I told him that would get better because it HAS to! smile
He is exercising his arms, shoulders and neck and that at least makes him feel productive.
(Boy, I just realized how much I missed talking to everyone here! I can't stay away so long...!)

Nicki, wife of Thomas
dx July 2004, SCC, Stage 4 Tonsil. Tx begun 8/4/04. Cisplatin/Xeloda x 4; IMRT 7 wks, 8/7 - 10/25/04 Modified Radical Dissection (right), Selective Dissection (Left) 12/10/04.