If you would all take a read through the news section of the web site (over 300 articles posted over the last 2.5 years) you will find many that address the questions that you are bringing up in this thread. When the vaccine was just an idea on the horizon, I put the news article about that up, when a conclusive link from HPV to oral cancer, transmitted sexually was found, that news article went up. When the clinical trials that you are referring to showed positive results recently, I put that one up.

If there is news of consequence about oral cancer or anything related to it, I see (now with the assistance of Sheldon who helps me stay on top of all this) that the articles are put in the news section. It is updated at least three times a week. If after doing a little reading any of you still have questions about this, please post them and I will answer them. Two of OCF's board of advisors are among the world's leaders in research of the HPV oral cancer link. (Dr's Gillison and Sidransky at Johns Hopkins.) I think that we have the most current versions of the knowledge about all this on the web site right now.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.