Thanks again everyone for your concern and the info. Last night and upon waking this morning, my husband said he felt like a cold was coming on - but he wasn't sure. He had a sore throat (but that has come and gone over these past 2 months post-radiation) a cough and a whole lot of phlegm re-occuring again. This had stopped for awhile, but still tends to rear it's ugly head now and then - and makes things so miserable for him that he hardly had anything to eat today. He felt somewhat better as the evening progressed - but still hardly ate anything. He said he doesn't think it's really a cold - he just felt awful all day. I wonder if this is a concern that should be mentioned to the doctor before surgery? I would think so - but I think my husband just wants to get this surgery over and done with. I hope that what he is feeling today is nothing more than just a "poopy day"....and not something that could interfere with the surgery or his recovery. Also, I checked with the doctors office - and although they could not definitively tell me how long the surgery will be - they did say that he is charted for 3 hours (give or take). Thanks Cazz for your warm thoughts and wishes - I really do appreciate it. Best wishes and hope things are going well for all of you. Take care and I'll keep you posted on John's (hubby) recovery. But in anyone's personal experience - has a severe phlegm problem ever caused a postponment of surgery, or is that usually something they can work around?
