Hi Anne,
It has been a long time. You were the first person I talked to after my cancer treatment. I have been reading your posts and know you are still out there helping others. Thank You!

I went to the dentist in July 2000 to have a tooth pulled, he said all was fine. In August I found the sore on the right side of my tongue. Went to my family Dr. who put me on antibiotics for ten days, no change. Next stop ENT, biopsy, surgery (1/3 of tongue), bilatteral neck dissection, trach, feeding tube, etc., then the oral surgeon to have all teeth removed prior to six weeks radiation.

It has been eighteen months and still cancer free! Each day does get better! I still have some problems with burning tongue, neck and shoulder pain. I just got dentures two weeks ago and have to relearn to speak and eat (again). As Gilda Radner said "Its always something".

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in this journey. Take Care.
