Update: Scan results were inconclusive, time for a biopsy. That will be done Monday. He couldnt do it today as everyone had gone home! Dr. waited for us to arrive ,His office called and we shot down to Miamiwe did not have an appointment.....but he saw my hubby anyway..... Have to nominate this Dr. for an award! Update next week......

C/G to Husband Richard SCC Op 4/1/2005 T2N0M0,Neck disection, 35% of tongue removed.
Reoccurance 3/2007,Lymph Node same side Positive SCC, Swelled to 2.5 inches. IMRT X35 Cis X3 Completed 33 IMRT Cis x2 carbo X1 MET to lungs post treatment 10/04/2007
Passed peacefully 31st July 2008.