I'm wondering how you are and what your husband's results are. The one bit of advice I can give you is don't wait! It's great you got the appointment moved up, keep at it girl. If they need to do more testing or begin treatment or schedule surgery, make sure it is a.s.a.p. My brother was diagnosed at the end of May but they didn't remove his teeth until July and didn't start radiation until the last of August. I have no doubt we lost crucial time in our battle to save him.
If your husband IS clear of cancer, make sure he has through dental exams every six months and anytime he goes to the doctor, have them do an oral examination. Chewing tobacco is like playing Russian Roullete (sp?) and sooner or later, it will get you.
Best wishes to you and your family,
Best of luck!

Sister of 32 year-old oral cancer victim. Our battle is over but the war rages on. My brother passed July 26, 2005. He was a smokeless tobacco user.