Well, I am all set-up for the MRI, but it will not be until June 13th. So much for moving quickly, but I will call the Oncologist tommorrow and see about this ENT appointment. The more I think about it, I may just say "let's go and do the lymph node removal". That will atleast get me moving in the right direction. But maybe the MRI will be of no use by that point since there will be no lymph node to see. We shall see what the doc says.
Brian- I am happy to see your post, please do not refrain any longer. I was upset the one time because I had 20 people telling me what the right thing to do was and I felt like if I didn't listen, then I was wrong. Anyway, what do you think you would be able to do for me? I would love to speed things up, but I am not sure how. This new ENT's name is Ara A. Chalian, MD. He is at Penn as well, and I really hoped to see him this week and not next month. Why do they put off people with suspected cancer? How long before it can spread or get worse? It has already been 2 months, not to mention 2 mos of my throat hurting badly. They are not living my (our) pain, so they have no concept of a patient needing an appointment ASAP. I can't give them this pain, but I just wish they would understand. This new Oncologist, Dr. Spitz, is great. Really cares and wants to move quick! Thanks for your post and any information would be very helpful!