Well, Guys, as of today, i guess i`m offically homeless, closed on my house here in Maine, the guy who literally dropped out of the sky three days after Frank died bought it. If Frank sent him, it figures, he`s so much like Frank when he was healthy, never stops moving or talking......and looks after me like a mother hen................so next Wed. my kids are packing me up and we`re heading to Alabama, my daughter is already planning a trip to New Orleans, concerts,Disneyworld.......Im moving into my dream house in Alabama, converted batchelor pad, even mirrors on the ceiling, but, it has my skylights in the master bedroom and a pond, 2 things I dreamed of in Maine, but Frank got sick and it never happened, My daughter wore one of frank`s shirts to look at the house,he`s behind it and with me.............so off we go to Alabama, but never fear, I`ll be using my daughter`s computer til I get situated................WOW, WHAT AN ADVENTURE........now if i can just motivate myself to start doing the ten million things I need to do around here.............spent all yesterday morning trying to find Frank`s will, which I may have thrown out, wasn`t thinking at the time, and since my daughter, bless her heart, packed Helter Skelter, finding anything is impossible, sure glad I remember who the lawyer was, and he has a copy, so that`s taken care of...............so, keeping my fingers crossed, I`ll be in the deep south next week, can`t wait to wear sandals without socks.............Hugs, Dee