My MO thought the Ethyol would help improve the functioning of my saliva glands. My RO seemed quite a bit more skeptical, and always advised that if I started having trouble the Ethyol would be the first thing to stop using. My dentist, who specializes in H&N patients, says I have more saliva (even though it's not that much) than many of his other H&N patients. And my saliva production has definitely improved somewhat (but maybe that's not saying much when it started out so low), and does seem to be getting better. Every now and then my saliva production even seems quite good (very relatively speaking, and never near enough to avoid drinking water when eating), and I wonder if there are things I occasionally eat or drink that cause a temporary increase.

Between Salagen and Evoxac, what I'm told is that Evoxac has less side effects and is thus the first choice for trying to stimulate the saliva glands - I have had no side effects. My dentist said he would try Salagen if the Evoxac wasn't working - but my impression is not that Salagen is better than Evoxac, but that it simply may work better "for me" than Evoxac. Since the Evoxac appears to be helping, I plan to stick with it. I've never tried Salagen.

So, is it the Ethyol, the Evoxac, personal constitution? I really don't know (pretty long explanation for an "I don't know" answer, huh) - but I'm glad things are going in the right direction.

I also carry water wherever I go.


SCC left tonsil, 2 lymph nodes, modified radical neck dissection, IMRT (both sides) completed 10/25/06, Erbitux and Cisplatin weekly, Ethyol daily