Dear Rolf and TommyB---I just wanted to reach out to tell you that perhaps my surgery was not as extensive as yours, but it was similar. There do not seem to be many on this board with our particular surgeries. I had a right maxillectomy, with a partial palatectomy. They had to remove all of my upper jawbone, from the first canine tooth all the way back, and they had to remove about a third of my palate. I have to wear an obturator to speak, eat, or drink. I know that you have to wear one also, and that is larger and more difficult to use, perhaps, than mine, especially if you have lost more structure than I have.

I was fortunate that my surgeon was very skilled and was able to do all of this extensive surgery from inside my mouth, without any incisions on my face. I have a long neck dissection scar, but it isn't too noticeable, and actually, it makes my neck look slimmer. I told my surgeon that he could have at least done both sides so that I would end up with a neck lift!

I just wanted you to know that there is someone else on the board who understands some of the challenges that you face, especially with the loss of your palate.

Ask me anything you wish. I am glad to find others with similar surgery. I am just 9 months post-surgery, and my doctor felt that he had gotten all of the SCC, since he has a reputation for being very "aggressive" in going for a cure. I sure do hope that he is right!

Colleen--T-2N0M0 SCC dx'd 12/28/05...Hemi-maxillectomy, partial palatectomy, neck dissection 1/4/06....clear margins, neg. radiation, no chemo....Cancer-free at 4 years!