I can't get over the insensitivity of some of these doctors! They seem to get so engrossed in their own detachment that they forget who they are talking to. Yes....they can't become emotionally involved in each case for self-preservation, but, patients, not educated as themselves, need comfort, NOT numbers!

When my husband was diagnosed and given the odds, believe me, there were times when I lay awake at night, listening to his breathing, knowing he wouldn't make it to morning. Sixteen months out and still listening..WRONG!!!!

My mother, on the other hand, I totally disregarded the information that the doctors were giving me. They were puzzled and only had an educated guess as to her condition. She presented with nothing more than blood in her urine. She was alert, walking, eating, laughing until the last 12 hours of her admission. (Twelve days total) It was only when the nurses wavered that I knew I was dealing with reality. Maybe this is one reason why nurses are so special. They tend to give the "odds" more gently when the time is near.

I'm sorry. I know I have regressed.

Just don't put your faith in all the studies, the odds, the doctor's, so called, experience. We are all individuals leading different lives. Our paths were made differently, and nobody, not even ourselves, know where they lead.


Husband diagnosed with stage III tonsil and floor of mouth cancer in August 2002. Three rounds of chemo/42 RAD treatments. Upper right lung lobectomy in March 2003. (Benign)