hello everybody it's been a long time. well just to give a update i just had my PEG inserted (thursday) i'm still in alot of pain but i thinks it's because i haven't had a bowel movement i've tried stool softeners and a laxitive no good so any suggestions please? good news - they thought my cancer had spread but that's a negative. bad news - ontop of the cancer i have ulcers ( lot's of them) but them too are treatable but they are painful. my tube is inserted alittle high to me but it is now difficult to sleep. my parents and family have been trying to help out so much. my dad and step mother live in louisana so it's hard for them to be here physically but they still managed to buy a recliner for me... and my baby brother he works to help support my mother who has a tumor in her uterous it's begnin so they just took it out after 8 years so she doesn't work but he took me to get other supplies i needed and my mother has been trying to help me with the kids so it's great especially since i've been the outcast for so long from my brother and sisters... but when things needed to be done and bought my babba stepped up and made sure they were done... God Bless You ALL
