Sandhya --
I'd strongly recommend an ENT at a comprehensive cancer center, rather than a general ENT, since she has already gotten a cancer diagnosis.

We live in the DC area as well -- my husband's excisional biopsy of a leukoplakia was done by a general ENT in northern Virginia. But when the biopsy results showed cancer, he was seen by an ENT at Johns Hopkins CCC, about an hour away in Baltimore. In the latest US News rankings, Hopkins is #1 for ENT and #3 for cancer. If your mother is not coming to the US, there is a Hopkins web site about providing second opinions for patients who are overseas.

Georgetown, in DC, also has a CCC with head and neck cancer specialists.

Also, search the boards for messages by Praveen_Peddi (member #2830), whose brother is being treated in India. It sounds from the posts as if he is getting as aggressive and up-to-date treatment there as he would have gotten in the US. You could send Praveen an e-mail or private message to find out where he is being treated and perhaps seek another opinion there as well.

-- Leslie


April 2006: Husband dx by dentist with leukoplakia on tongue. Oral surgeon's biopsy 4/28/06: Moderate dysplasia; pathology report warned of possible "skip effect." ENT's excisional biopsy (got it all) 5/31/06: SCC in situ/small bit superficially invasive. Early detection saves lives.