I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the right tonsil in April 05. I had my tonsils taken out, then a radical neck dissection then radiation and chemo. No one ever said anything about having any teeth pulled. My dentist says my teeth are looking good now. I was terrified of the radiation treatments and they were bad but I got through them pretty well all things considered. Something that helped me was a book a friend gave me called Getting Well Again by O. Carl Simonton. It made me look at the treatments as something to be thankful for rather than something to dread. The treatments are what kills the cancer and that's a good thing. I finished my treatments in early September 05 and I am back to what I call the "new" normal. I can do everything I did before, work out at the gym, play with my daughter, volunteer. I was given a drug called Amofostine which helped preserve some of my salivary glands but I did lose some so my mouth does get dry and I can't eat a lot of things I used to and what I can eat I can't taste. But I am grateful for the good things. Your brother is lucky to have you to support him. I wish you luck and blessings.