hello everyone, it has been a very long time since i've posted here! i keep you all in my thoughts frequently, the advice and support i received on here when i was a kid was truly helpful and you guys are easily some of the most inspirational people i have ever met. the perseverance in the face of adversity you all demonstrate is truly remarkable.

as for the update- when i made my first post, i believed i would need a fibula free flap from an ameloblastoma. while this was not the case, my injuries were pretty significant. in 2023, i got a full coronoidectomy. this year, the surgical site got infected which turned into sepsis, leading to the partial removal of my masseter, full excision of the temporalis, and the replacement of the zygomatic arch with a stryker plate, followed up with six weeks of picc line antibiotic treatment. to say this ordeal was terrifying would be an understatement. as of the 11th, i have been six months infection free, and have just been cleared to begin cosmetic surgery to fix the deficits in january. i have also been progressed to yearly scans starting in 2025 instead of every four months.

it is difficult to state how much of an impact this forum has made on me, so i will just say this: when i made my initial post, i was a 17 year old who had just graduated from high school. as of today, i am a junior in university studying public health and preparing to apply to dental school to work with this pathology. managing patients with oral cancer is something that i truly believe is my calling, and i don't think i would have figured it out as quickly as i did had i not had insight from you all. i started out in orthodontics, but i had a nagging feeling that there was something i was missing- pathology was that "something". i get immense joy from helping others in similar situations as me. you passed down the support torch to me, and i am using it to the best of my ability, lol. this will likely be my last post, but i wanted to get on here and let you guys know that you do matter, and you make a bigger impact than you'd think. when everything may seem hopeless, just remember that. i wish you all the best of luck on your journey, and peace in wherever it takes you. thank you all so much, from the bottom of my heart. <3