I don't even know what questions to ask at this point. His lesion is in the supraglottic area of his throat and he has 1 node involved, we don't know of distant mets yet. So far the surgeon is stating chemo and radiation and not surgery because of the stage and significant side effects. Since we haven't met with the surgeon yet, I can only surmise that the significant SEs are loss of voice box and all that that entails. Anyone out there with a similar diagnosis that has any food for thought? Questions we should as the surgeon maybe?
I am also very much blaming myself. He has had obvious symptoms for over 6mos now and I didn't take them seriously enough. I should have forced him to go to the MD so much sooner than I did.
Husband 56yo
Long time smoker of 35yrs, sober for 4yrs but history of alcoholism