You're correct they are falling inward toward the tongue and creating malocclusion. Definitely the words my previous dentist in Phoenix used. The only extraction I had post radiation were my 4 wisdom teeth for which I also had to do HBOT, that was within the first 3 years following my cancer treatment.

When I had 1/3 of my tongue removed that was the extent of it, there was no 'flap' as they do today to fill the space, there was only empty space between my teeth and tongue on the left side. I assumed this could have very well attributed to this, whether or not it was the sole cause. I've heard from others my age and younger who have had teeth movement post radiation as well. There is a group on Facebook called "Yongue Tongues" for younger patients and survivors of oral cancer that I began to follow.

I wouldn't say that this is simply for aesthetics, I fear that my teeth will continue to move if I don't do something to fix or stop it and I'll find myself in a much worse position. I have discomfort in my teeth and jaw where there has been movement as I feel like the movement is only continuing slowly.

I'm not sure what type of XRay was taken but I've asked the dentist to email it to me.

Female, 37 yrs old,Non-Smoker/Social Drinker, HPV-
T3 N1 M0 SCC Dx 11-10-11
11-23-11 Left Hemiglossectomy
11-30-11 Modified Radical Neck Dissection
01-25-12 Removed another spot on BOT, skin graft (left thigh)
38 RADS Tx Finished April 13, 2012
Fall 2014 - HBOT due to wisdom teeth extraction post radiation