Hey Nels

Many many thanks for ye lengthy informative and positive reply and so glad to make your acquaintance

There were so many great suggestions in your email and we will take them on board with us, the idea of a journal is great and in a similar vein I had suggested to my wife to record her voice in the coming days after the surgery and again at regular intervals so when she is having a bad day, and she will have those, she can listen or look back and realise that her speech is actually improving - the speech and language nurse mentioned that your speech will be at its worst on the first day and so we bear that in mind, every day after the first day it will improve no matter how small

Nels your journey is almost identical to my wife’s in the speech of diagnosis to surgery and even the location of the cancer. With regards lymph nodes we don’t think they are affected but from what we can gather they are being removed as a precaution

Yesterday, Friday, was a tough day for us as my wife broke down and it was so upsetting to see her like this. I am trying to be positive for her and felt a lot of positive vibes from the liaison nurse and the speech and language nurse whom we met on Thursday

Nels thank you for reaching out to us across the Atlantic and for sharing your experience with us and fellow members on this forum

Cork is lovely but it rains to much