28 years ago I was diagnosed with carcinoma nasopharynx at age 45. Unknown cause, non drinker, never smoked. I had 30 radiation treatments for a total of 12,500 cGys in British Columbia. Apparently then the radiation doses were much larger than today. I grew up in L.A., but moved to a beautiful small village in B.C. In 1975.
I lost 30 lbs, and taste and smell. After several years, I recovered them and enjoyed a good quality of life for many years, then the long term side effects started.
I am now 73 and have had every side effect listed by the Canadian Cancer Society, including double vision, skin cancers, and osteoradionecrosis in my temporal bone, complete loss of hearing in one ear. After some dental work almost 10 years ago I lost my taste again.
Now my biggest challenge is big difficulty swallowing , teeth rotting slowly but surely, gum sensitivity and very little saliva. Saliva- A very interesting special substance! Am curious and interested in discussing saliva analysis, about mouth chemistry, improvimg Ph balance
I could share about many adaptations to make life easier after cancer. I am maintaining 90lbs on my small frame, eat mostly liquids, smoothies, soups, baby foods, etc.
My medical system here is potentially very good, but overtaxed now and living in a small rural area gives me few options to find a radiation oncology specialist.