Goodmorning Kanada,
Ihad radiation and chemo first then waited about three weeks until I had a neck dissection. My Ent said all along that this would be my plan, how he knew that the one cancerous lymph node would not totally disappear after radiation I will never know, but it did not. Just last week I was at a head and neck cancer support group at the University of Rochester, Strong memorial Hospital in Rochester and I asked their Head ENT/Oncologist Surgeon your same question, he replied that it has many factors, your general health, size of tumor, number of lymph nodes involved dental issues and that each individual is treated differntly and it is usually after your team of doctors comes up with a specific plan for you, type of radiation etc. So hopefully they are taking this approach for you. I think that this approach gives us, the patient, the best possible care, I think the more heads talking about my cancer the better, more ideas more expertise etc. I hope that this helps a little, best of luck my dear Hang in there.
Always Lenny