Hello family, My apologies that I have been absent from this wonderful group for so long. At this point I would like to make a commitment to be here in a supportive role for anyone who might need it.

I'm wondering if anyone can relate to or have any suggestions for the following. I'm 10 years post treatment. Back in October I developed some nasty throat pain. It came on suddenly. Moved into my ear. My doctor said he had seen a throat virus going around that had been lasting about 12 days. Mine lasted a month. He said it might have taken longer because of the radiation damage in my mouth and neck. It eventually went away. Welllll..... No it's back. I'm really hoping that this pain and discomfort aren't going to just become the "new norm" for me.

Has anyone else experienced this ? It started in my throat, at where my tonsil had been. The pain moved into my ear. When I yawn I can feel it "snapping". It even hurts into my eyeball now. It's pretty constant pain but the extreme degrees of it are quite sporadic.

I welcome any thought or advise on this. Thank you.

Lump in left side neck discovered Sept 2009
Misdiagnosed & FNA inconclusive
Large lymph node removed Nov. 2010 SCC and HPV16 pos
PET pointed tonsilectomy Feb. 2011
1ml tumor left side tonsil
Rads scheduled March 14th 2011. 2X36 GY's (72)
CarboTaxol once a week X 4 or 5 starting 4/5/11