Hi, I had lip cancer, Stage III. I had a huge tumor on my right lower lip, and a small one on the left. I had a lip reduction to remove the large tumor, reconstruction, and a modified neck dissection...101 nodes removed. Followed up with radiation for 6 weeks. One of my surgeons recommended Mohs on the smaller tumor and the other surgeon recommend that since we were already radiating the surgical site that it would be easier and make sense to just radiate the left side instead of Mohs. I went with that option. I am now 3 months post radiation. Just had my 3 month follow-up with a PET scan. I did not have any chemo or other treatment, other than the radiation. They reported...no new activity! Now it's all about managing the side effects. My treatment was at the top comprehensive cancer care facility in California...City of Hope. There was never a talk about Erbitux, so not sure how necessary it is. I would ask about the stats if you only did the radiation. Did your Lip cancer spread to area tissues? I would do lots of research...maybe get a 2nd opinion. Make sure you get all the info you need to make an informed decision that you are comfortable with.

Lip Cancer
Stage 3
T2 N0
Lip resection, reconstruction
Modified Neck Dissection
30 radiation treatments (last day 9/11)
Starting Physical Therapy on my neck
Barium Swallow Test after Thanksgiving
1st post op PET scan scheduled for beginning of December
Going thru it physically alone during the pandemic 2020