This is indeed a very good question! Ive been thinking about all kinds of Coronavirus questions too. If unsure about where you stand when talking about the deadly Coronavirus, you should ask your own doc as this is a very complex and individualized question. Your doc should know or at least have access to your entire medical history, latest lab tests showing blood counts, etc. Plus they have other medical knowledge about you and about Corona.

The Corona pandemic is getting widespread media coverage in the US. It seems to be everywhere.... Ive seen it as part of the daily news, special reports from the government, regular commercials, plus excessive public service Corona info commercials (every channel, 24/7), online news, even nationwide postcards. With such an onslaught of info given its easy to come across misinformation. The best resource is the CDC. At the bottom of this post, Ive included a link to the CDCs website. There you can find everything you ever wanted to know about the Corona pandemic coming from a reputable source. Theres in depth info regarding who is at a higher risk of contracting Corona. In my area while watching tv, it isnt possible to watch adult tv channels more than 15 minutes without seeing the ads during every commercial break.

OC patient/survivors need to understand during the often brutal treatments or after having cancer, it leaves us with a weakened immune system. This is one of the factors mentioned in what makes someone high risk. If an OC patient/survivor has chemo that further complicates matters making a full recovery take even longer. It takes 2 years of recovery until OC patients/survivors are considered fully recovered. Even at 25, 26 months post rads, some patients have reported having small improvements in their sense of taste and saliva production. After rads, many of us find its taking forever to have our white counts improve and stabilize. With lower white counts, our bodies are not able to fight off even simple ailments (usually its noticeable enough by how we pick up every little thing) so the Coronavirus being as deadly as it is wouldnt be something anyone with a weakened immune system could handle. Taking everything I know about OC, patients, the new Corona virus and what my doc and I discussed, Im fairly certain almost every one like me (an OC survivor) is in the high risk category. Other frequently mentioned issues that people have making them at a higher risk of contracting the Corona virus ... age, being over 65 yers old, currently being treated for cancer (any kind), an already compromised immune system, smokers, asthma, even organ transplant patients are considered high risk.

Even though I am almost 13 years post rads/chemo I still have a low resistance to things. Last I saw my doc, he advised me I am in the high risk category and urged me to take extra precautions to avoid getting the virus as its deadly to someone like me. My doc surprised me by saying that he suspected the chemo I had way back when is now causing me some late after effects. I know of a great many who are long term survivors and have some serious medical conditions pop up out of the blue even though they're over 10 years cancer free. Crazy isnt it? OC patients/survivors can develop many other serious issues with the heart, kidneys, blood pressure etc many years after they're given the all clear.

Best wishes to everyone. PLEASE be extra cautious and follow the advice we're getting in the news, newspapers, online, over the radio, from postcards and every other way we are continually bombarded with tips on how to stay safe. Its a deadly disease, especially to OC patients/survivors. When it first began showing up in the US, I instantly had a very bad feeling. After going thru absolute hell with my 3 rounds of OC, its unfathomable to think a pandemic is what takes my life. Im doing everything possible to avoid people, staying inside even on the nicest of spring days. I hope everyone else is also being extra cautious. Just considering the impact of losing so many people worldwide is overwhelming and difficult to process. I am hoping none of our members of their families are touched by losing someone close to Corona.

Be well, stay safe and best wishes to everyone and their families during these uncertain times!!! Everyone MUST be smart and follow what we are told will help keep us well and virus free. Good luck everyone!!!

!!!***!!! ******* LINK TO THE CDC'S CORONA VIRUS WEBSITE >>>>>> CDC's Corona Virus website ******** !!!***!!!

SCC 6/15/07 L chk & by L molar both Stag I, age44
2x cispltn-35 IMRT end 9/27/07
-65 lbs in 2 mo, no caregvr
Clear PET 1/08
4/4/08 recur L chk Stag I
surg 4/16/08 clr marg
215 HBO dives
3/09 teeth out, trismus
7/2/09 recur, Stg IV
8/24/09 trach, ND, mandiblctmy
3wks medicly inducd coma
2 mo xtended hospital stay, ICU & burn unit
PICC line IV antibx 8 mo
10/4/10, 2/14/11 reconst surg
OC 3x in 3 years
very happy to be alive smile