
I am 5+ months out of treatment and I am still on a mostly liquid diet. I am maintaining my weight by drinking 5 cups of Ensure Plus a day (1750 calories.) I still have practically zero saliva which makes it almost impossible to eat anything, speak 100%, or sleep through the night. I saw my radiologist last week and he assured me that I will eventually get some of my saliva back. There's still time he said, but I'm getting very nervous that I might be one of the victims that never gets my salivary glands back. Does anyone know of a OC patient that was never able to eat get off of a liquid diet? My doctor did tell me to not expect to ever eat pizza, most meats and breads again. Damn!! I don't know why I was thinking I would have a full recovery. At least I know now not to look forward to normal eating again. Although that depresses me quite a bit, I know I have SO much to be thankful for. If anyone has any encouraging stories to tell me about eventually eating, I would LOVE to read them.

~Thankful Girl