Hi Lisa,
Thank you for the information. I am so happy for you that you are doing so well.
Were you able to eat better once you had that pressure bandage remove?
And when do they finally remove all the stiches.
They told us 5-7 days for the gauze that is holding the graft together. I was wondering about the rest of the stiches.
I see you also had a modified neck dissection. Did you have any enlarged lymph nodes or was it your choice to have that done?
Sorry for all the questions. I hope this is ok.
Did they give you any kind of mouth rinse to use after your surgery. They told my mom to use warm water. I noticed she has a coating on her tongue from some of the boost and drinkable yogerts. She has a hard time getting it off because her tongue is sore. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on any mouth rinses.
Thanks again. Michelle