Hi this is Hazel I am in the U.K. so my treatment may not be the same as yours. I too has tonsil cancer now 11 month post radiotherapy,I had no pains no sore throat no ear ache nothing. In fact I had just cycled 1100 kilometres in Spain I am 62 only symptom was a lump in the hollow above my right collar bone .long storage but 35 radiotherapy sessions and 2 cisplatin chemotherapy sessions. The treatment is rough but if I can do it anyone can, recovery for some is long but it is doable. Yesterday for my cancer hospital I cycled 60 Kilometres in the pouring rain on a charity bike ride proof that there is light at the end if the tunnel.posituve mental attitude certainly helped me get through this
Any questions just ask and good luck

Diagnosed June 2018 T2N2NM0.H.P.V 16+
35 radiotherapy sessions V M A T
2 chemotherapy sessions Cisplatin
lives in the U.K.
14 Jan 2019 pet ct scan showed cancer free.
on going hospital visits for next 5 years.