Hi Everyone,

I was an OCF member in 2007-2009. Its been awhile. I had partial Maxilectomy of the upper palate due to having Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma 2 stage.
I have a 2 fold question I hope someone can answer. Having had Oral Cancer in the boney part of my mouth, what are the possibilities of it being linked to MGUS, Monoclonal gammopathy of Unspecified Origins, possible pre-cursor to Multiple Myeloma?
Also, I am currently unemployed as a call center employee. My obturator broke and without insurance or medi-cal I am unable to afford one. Does anyone know where in CA I can receive some assistance. I thought my county facility would assist but they are able too.
Thank you.

Last edited by DonnaKStep; 01-13-2019 05:49 PM.