My throat started to hurt like a week or two ago and it degressed but it started to hurt in an odd way so I took a picture of it and there's a cluster of bumps above my tonsil. I've tried to look for anything similar to it but haven't found anything, so is this just how my throat looks or is it a disease or do you think it's cancer. I didn't think I was old enough to have cancer but I started smoking around a year ago so maybe it could be? I noticed the redness of my throat but that seemed reasonable because it's been hurting but that still doesn't explain the cluster of masses that you can see in the picture. I'm broke and have no insurance so I can't really get this checked out. I've been drinking lots of water and everytime i swallow but only when i tilt my head a certain way there's a little pop in my neck. It stopped hurting to swallow recently (like today) so maybe it's getting better?

please help I'm kind of a hypochondriac so this has been really bothersome the last few days
I think its pharyngitis