Hello everyone!

I never expected to find myself on a page like this but here I am.
I'm 20 year old woman and l discovered a month or so ago that I have bump on the right side of my soft palate, close to the gum. Its also next to a missing molar I have that had to be taken out due to a massive abscess a few years ago. I genuinely did not think it was anything serious because you can't see it, not even with a torch and there is no skin changes. Only when I press on it very hard does it cause pain. If I run my tongue over it, it just feels like a small bump but when I touch it with my finger, something like a grain moves inside it. I also noticed that I have a see through lesion thingy on my tonsil on that side and I only noticed that because I was using the torch on my phone to see the lump in my mouth and decided to look at my throat as well. I have a dentist appointment booked for the 4th of December but I'm absolutely terrified. 3 days ago, I had tests done to rule out breast cancer and on the same night this lump popped into my mind and of course I googled and nothing good came up. I've never smoked or had a drink and I don't have the HPV virus. I do get cold sores but they always go away with a bit of cream and don't happen often. I know you guys are not medical experts and refrain from giving advice but I am absolutely terrified and this is affecting my studies during a crucial exam season. I have no other symptoms that I can think of. Does anyone have any idea as to what it could be? I will go to the dentist regardless because I have severe health anxiety and it's scaring me.

Thank you to anyone who is willing to read.