Was diagnosed with stage 4 floor of mouth last week. Met with a team of doctors and they think they can get this stuff outta me but it gonna require a major surgery called mandibulectomy and fibula free flap reconstruction. I will also have about 40% of my tounge removed. Some of my lymph nodes showed up hot on pet scan he will know more when he gets in there. Says hes gonna remove alot of tissue and vessels in neck area. With the surgery and reconstruction hes talking like a 16 hour surgery. Not sure what scares me more cancer or long surgery. Seems like an awful long time to be under. He will be doing surgery himself except for removal of some teeth. Is that normal? I know im not the only one to ever have this done. I would like to hear from others who have been in the same boat as me. I need to get as much info as i can to prepare myself for this life changing event from people not just the internet. So many questions. Recovery. Pain. Disfigurement. When i might be able to continue a somewhat normal life.
A few weeks after surgery they wanna hit me with combo radiation and chemotherapy im sure that will be round two
Just as bad. He said this will start in about 2 to 3 weeks
Any advise or tips on this would be very appreciated
Thank you
Mike young. Hazel park michigan

Mike young