Today my wonderful wife accompanied me to Hopkins to meet with their surgeon. Everyone at Hopkins really does make you appreciate where you are. It’s a blessing I live in Baltimore and can easily go to Hopkins. Everything there pretty much ran smoothly. Once I saw the surgeon and she was done her questions and observations, in another 5 minutes she laid out everything that needed to be done. I basically will have the left lower mandible removed, reconstructed, and all my lymph nodes on the left side removed as well. She was upbeat that this is beatable and luckily I don’t seem to have a very aggressive type of OC. Verracosous, I think is the term. In two weeks or so, I should have surgery and then a week or so in the hospital. Of course a few things to do before that time. Plus, there could always be changes. The positive thing is that I should be able to keep teaching after recovery. Although I am scared, I am thankful as it could have been a much worse prognosis. I hope to be here often, because I can tell this place is filled with angels, wise ones and the strongest of warriors.

I am headed over to treatments to see what I can learn. Please keep in touch with me. Thank you gmcraft for your encouragements.

Not sure