Hello some months ago i was feeling a pain in the left part of my mouth when i was sleeping but i thought that it had to do with my teeth so i ignored it because i had kinda bad oral hygiene and i thought that it was somehow natural.Now 3 weeks ago i noticed that i couldnt swallow well and i noticed a small swelling with a red bump on it in the floor of my mouth.I also noticed some swollen lymph nodes on my neck so i was really worried and i went to some ent's here.They all kinda made fun of me for worrying so much since i am really young for this kind of stuff to occur(22 yo male) and after some poor examination they just told me not to worry about.Recently i went to another ENT and he told me that i had some worrying bumps on the RIGHT part of my tongue(not the left part where the swelling is) so i am really really confused right now.I can feel at the left part of my jaw a lump,its not a lymph node and i cant feel that same thing in the right part of my jaw.Doctors are not really worried of it but i can tell the difference between the things in my jaw.So what type of examinations should i ask for since they cant find anything but i am really bothered with it and i am obviously not imagine it.The ENT cant answer what the swelling is in the floor of my mouth,but can i ask him to take a biopsy of that?
