Thanks for answering to my post. I still don't understand or even comprehend how I ended up with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. I have never smoked a day in my life, have never used tobacco products, and don't drink. My tests all came back negative for HPV and he tested for 3 different strains of it. Guess it's just one of those things I will never know. When I was diagnosed with melanoma in 1985 I knew it was from my own stupidity by burning myself at the pool constantly and not using sunscreen ( we used baby oil with mecurocrome) and using tanning beds later. Everything wrong I could possibly do to my fair skin I did and reading all the risk factors later for melanoma I pretty much had them all (blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, burns easily, etc) but with this cancer I just don't know where this came from.

February 2017 saw 2 different dentist for ulcer on tongue. Was told by both it was a bite
March 10 biopsy done by oral surgeon
March 17 biopsy results are keratanizing squamous cell carcinoma
May 3 partial glossectomy and right modified radical neck dissection
May 8 post op appt. given news in surgery 34 nodes removed from neck, 1 with cancer but still encapsulated and had not spread
drainage tube out and feeling pretty good!
May 26 appt. with radiation oncologist- No rads needed