I hated the idea of the PEG, but so looking forward to having it now. Most of you know the feeling, I simply cannot swallow. It's beyond description. Not just muscle pain from swallowing, but all tissue inside the mouth, tongue and even the sockets where molars used to live are all so irritated by anything...Jello, pudding, smoothies. No matter what. I've been woozy and dizzy from lack of food. A bit angry that someone was dragging their feet. I should have gotten it last week. This hernia business threw things off. Radiology will be fitting it on Thursday. Chemo #2 on Wenesday

Age 70
FNA biopsy March 2017
Dx SCC BOT Size T2, stage 3 April 2017
RAD started May 22
Chemo began May 24, Getting 3 rounds of Cisplatin