Hello,im trying to find someone who has had the same surgery as me,12 months ago i had a segmental mandibular,removing jaw,they told me they would rebuild my jaw with tibia from my leg,when i woke up they had used muscle from my thigh to fill my surgery and was left with what they call a swinging jaw,i have googled and tried to find out why they preferred to do it that way,i have seen many posts of worst cancers then mine that have had their jaw removed,but all where given bone as replacement,,im starting to think maybe they weren't expecting me to live very long,,im going to ask at my next appointment but any help would be good,

nov 2013 ssc of buccal mucosa stage 2
jan 2014 neck dissection because of cancer in lymphnodes
feb 2014 6 weeks of radiation
march 2015 tumour buccal mucossa stage 4
june 2015 lower jaw removed
nov 2015tumour in left node on neck
jan 2016 radiation and chemo to commence
Nov 2015 left deck dissesction,1 posative node