Hi Suzanne. For the dry mouth symptoms, I found chewing xylitol-sweetened gum really helped - all the way through treatments. Trident was my brand of choice. It is habit-forming though, because I still chew it. Of course I still have a dry mouth, so.... grin

Careful if you have a dog, though, because xylitol is poisonous to them.

At night you might try Xylimelts tabs. One of these between your cheek and gum lasts for a couple of hours of blessed relief and sleep. I get them on Amazon - haven't found another source.

Peter, age 62 at Dx
3/27/15 Dx T2N2aM0 Tonsilar P16+ G3 SCC
4/6/15 Full PET clear except for above
4/24/15 TOLM tonsillectomy/clear margins. Neck dissection 20 nodes (1 w/cancer & extracapsular extension)
5/28/15 PEG in
5/27 - 7/10/15 Daily Radiation to 66 units cumulative; Cisplatin weekly X 7
8/24/15 PEG out
9/24/15 Full body PET - N.E.D.
12/22/15 CT and physical exam. Continued clear.
3/11/16 Physical exam. Continued clear.
7/12/16 One year post-treatment! CT clear.
7/7/17 2 years post - still clear