George, I've just received my diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma last month. I've been doing a lot of research and found looking for statistics I want to know what they are before deciding what, if anything, I'm going to do. The article, Advances in the management of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck,

The intro repeats the standard survival statistic of 40-60% at five years. The conclusion indicates that 40=60%of patients with advanced SCCHN will relapse. If you've already gone through radiation & chemo, they generally aren't many options left if it does return.

Another new paper that is full of statistics is Outcomes of Sinonasal Cancer Treated With Proton Therapy.

Hope this helps.

SCC of right maxilla & nasal cavity, stage 4a, 3/10/2016
42 proton treatment completed 9/1/2016
Chemo - carbo, taxo, &Erbitux completed 09/27/17