Hope everyone is doing alright

I had my first (of three) chemo (cisplatin) treatment on March 23 and started radiation (6wks) that day as well. I slept the whole next day without eating anything then got really nauseous that night and the next day. They ended up giving me a bag of fluids and more zofran on Friday before the weekend which helped me start feeling good enough to eat a little-just some saltines and toast.
This week, even though I'm starting to feel some of the effects of radiation (skin is more sensitive and red, taste buds are going away, fatigue), I'm feeling SOOOO much better and eating normally. I have a PEG but am really trying to not use it until I absolutely have to. My lab work was all normal at the beginning of this week and I've felt better and better each day. But, the MO said that my white blood count could down next week and I woke up today feeling a little crummy, probably from over exerting myself the past few days.
My next chemo treatment is April 13.
SO, my MO said to expect hair loss meanwhile her nurse practitioner said not to. I wasn't all that worried about it either way but as I'm approaching the second round of chemo, I'm curious what others have experienced. I know everyone's journey is unique so it's difficult to give a definitive yes or no but my hair is mid-length and I'd rather not deal with shedding all that-I'd rather cut it short if it's gonna fall out.
So far what I have read is that people tend to lose the hair in the area being treated by radiation and a lot of thinning of hair on your head.
Thanks for your time and input!! This journey sucks but it's a relief to know that I have somewhere I can go for support