Thank you David. It wasn't my intention to make anyone sad or devastated. I know my diagnosis isn't the best but I am still in the game. I love to hear the success stories just as much as I did back when I hoped to be one, and who knows, with all these new immunotherapy drugs being approved, I may just still have the chance to be one. I won't lie and say I am not affected negatively by my cancer. I have days upon days where I struggle to cope with it all but I have to remember to live each day as it comes. No one is ever promised tomorrow. I am thankful for the time Ive had and any time that i may have ahead. Whenever I start to think this stuff isn't fair all I have to do is go and watch a few videos of children with terminal cancer and see how hopeful they still are and how hard they are willing to fight when they know they won't be around very long. I would gladly trade places with them to allow them to live a longer life and experience what the world has to offer. Ive been all over the world and I have lived what seems like a thousand lives and many fairy tales along the way. I can't complain. I just want to see cancer cured and not have to watch another child lose the chance to grow up and see the world and all that comes with it.

I know its hard to do when you're back in the real world of family, work, bills, and routines but I urge you all to slow it all down every now and then. Sit down and watch people walk by for a while. Pick up a flower and slowly look at all the pedals. Take a break with some headphones and listen to an old album you used to love. If you have a partner, just take a long walk not saying a word. Do some things that will slow your life down and let you appreciate what you've gone through and what you still have left. If you believe in God, sit down and thank Him for what you have. Just slow down and don't let life fly by to quickly. Remember that there are some of us who would give anything to be able to let it go on for longer. I try to slow life down a lot. I don't want it to all be over so quick. You can always find the good in things if you look hard enough.

Jeff - 41yrs old/previous smoker
SCC buccal mucosa/jaw bone Stage 4
Nov '14 Partial Mandibulectomy with fibula flap, neck dissection
Jan '15 Rads x35 Cisplatin x2
Apr '15 PET/CT concerning area Follow up MRI no mass.
July '15 PET/CT 11mm nodule in right lower lobe the lung.
Oct '15 PET/CT right lung nodule 3cm mass also new left lung nodules
Nov '15 erbitux
Mar '16 CT tumors are growing again, waiting on next step
June'16 hospice had 3 Opdivo infusions trying to regain health