I say call and ask! Our Head and Neck Cancer Center has a "new patient coordinator" who was amazingly supportive and guided us through the entire process - what tests they wanted done and whether those should be done by the docs at the community hospital or if they would prefer to do them at the cancer care clinic. I remember there were certain tests they would have rather done themselves, but we already had them done at the community hospital, like the PET scan and the biopsy. They actually sent to the community hospital for cell specimens from the biopsy so they could analyze them at the cancer center.

Good luck, fingers crossed, hope its nothing serious.

Caregiver to husband with SCC BOT HPV+ T4N2cMO stage 4a
CT scan 7/23/14
Biopsy 8/7/14
PEG tube in 8/15/14, out 4/2015
35 rads, Cisplatin X 3 - finished 10/27/15
cancer free May 2018