So I need you to IM to me the patient name, the doctor that you were dealing with at MDACC and the dates on which all this took place. I need to understand this ASAP, because I have a call into the department head there and I want to understand how this went from one thing, to something completely different, and all this time transpired in between. I need to know that they did this and this is not something that you misunderstood their intentions.

I will understand this better after the call to him and let you know the inside story. In the meantime, now that this is not an option at MDACC, I want to talk to you off line about all the Hail Mary ideas, and also what you thunk your mother really wants, what the family wants which is maybe something different, and what is actually best for her. These are all really tough calls now, and they are all scary. There is also the possibility that nothing can be done, and everyone should be prepared for that possibility mentally. But I will help you sort through the facts and the realities and the possibilities until you fully understand it. I am surprised that MDACC was into doing one thing and then they did a 180. That makes no sense to me and is not the way they operate as a rule. So something isn't right here and we need to understand that.

But I promise by tomorrow morning I will have ideas on what happened if you get me what I have asked for, options for you, if you spend 15 minutes with me on the phone w me and get me the info that I need prior to me talking to MDACC.

By the by, there is no such thing as an "MDACC certified" doctor. Many doctors go there to do their residency right after school, and because of the weight the name MDACC carries, they like to tell people that they trained there. That was for a year or two depending on the program, and it could have been more than a decade ago�.

Last edited by Brian Hill; 01-13-2015 01:46 PM.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.