Hi there again OCF good people,

I'm so glad Thanksgiving is over. We have sugar overload!!!!

After my husband's neck dissection on October 13, the recommendation was radiation. The preparations included seeing a dentist and placing a peg tube.

On Monday December 1st, my husband will have all his teeth removed.
His gums are receding, and periodontitis was a concern.

Has anyone out there tried dentures or implants?
Is there an advantage of one over the other?

Monday is coming up pretty fast.


Patty / husband Dx with Stage 1 SCC
November '12, BOT ulcer
June '13, first biopsy-negative.
October '13, second biopsy-positive
November '13, second opinion at CCC, T1
December '13, partial glossectomy.
September '14, biopsy on lymph nodes, 1 tested positive.
October '14, right side neck dissection. 14 nods out, with only one affected.
November '14, T1N1M0 radiation in the recommended by oncologist
December '14, radiation treatment