I had gone to an ENT who actually told me that I was wrong and that it wasn't strep throat. That I couldn't possibly know my own diagnosis. I told him that when I was younger I used to get strep a lot, and that I'm pretty sure it's strep. (I had the nasty white stuff in the back of my throat and all). He did a throat culture and sure enough it came back as strep throat. He tried to give me antibiotics once again to treat it, but by that time, I gave up on antibiotics because I didn't feel they were helping, especially with it coming back so frequently. Once I gave up on the antibiotics, somehow I stopped getting the strep throat. I haven't had it since then which is about 2 years now. I do once in a while have a slight soreness in my throat but nothing close to strep. However, I'm sure that wasn't the correct way to take care of that problem.

33 year old female. Smoked since 14 y/o, just quit cold turkey from the scare. Very light drinker. Sores that won't heal on my gums.