
You sound extremely positive and that is the best thing. Stay positive and strong. The support here is great when you need it. I always found myself reading posts in the wee small hours when I couldn't sleep. You're absolutely right about Google - it can be dangerous to your peace of mind. Ask questions here, someone will try to help but remember, we are all on similar journies not identical ones and so our experiences are different. It's a very good idea to take someone with you to hospital appointments; it's very difficult to grasp all the information being thrown at you - I also used to write down any questions I thought of between appointments in a note book so I didn't forget to ask. I know what you mean about the MRI - I had a panic attack the first time they tried to put me in it but like you thought of something important to get me through it, in my case it was my daughter. Good luck with the radiotherapy.

Cheryl x

Cheryl aged 50. Long time smoker but quit 4 years ago - rarely drink alcohol
Referred oral health 17th Sept '13 -
Incisional biopsy right tongue 23rd Sept '13
MRI 30th Sept '13
Confirmed invasive moderately diffirentiated SCC 2nd October 2013 - Chest Xray and MRI Clear
Surgery planned 12th Nov '13 Partial glossectomy, neck dissection, flap from forearm.
Surgery cancelled - non-availability of HDU bed
Surgery resceduled 18th Nov '13
Fighting fear on a daily basis but keep smiling.