I am 4.5 years out of TX and have had neck pain for several years now. Tried Drugs, PT, Botox and Acupuncture. My vote goes to Acupuncture and maybe drugs right now. I am an active triathlete and do lift weights. When my neck hurts, I just stop . I am fairly sure the damage is fibrosis to a couple of neck muscles. It is the new normal as we all say.
I do daily neck exercised to strengthen my neck. I also have some swallowing difficulties fro the same reason. I use a thickener in my fluids to help.
All in all I am on the right side of the green and do believe there is an ironman in my future (again) maybe a bit slower though!!!!!


70 male, athlete...again
SSC of undetermined orgin , early july 09
40 tx radiation, 8 chemo cisplatin and ebuterx
finished TX in mid Sept 09
Clear at the 6 year mark!
Back to swimming, biking and running! just a tad slower
never regained my weight, even when I eat lots and lots, just a skinny guy now

Just way glad to be seeing the green side up!