Can anyone give me a timeframe as to when all this mucous will end? I've heard 2 weeks, but he's already past that and it's getting worse not better. He coughs so much and gags, then throws everything up. So his weight is down naturally and I'm really concerned about that. He is using his tube and getting scandi/boost down. But then he just throws it all up. The weird thing is the vomiting only happens at night? We are all so frustrated and worried. I feel like we've tried everything(mucinex,suction, scopolamine patch, benadryl, gargling, hot soup) and NONE of that seems to help at all. I just feel so bad for him because he's exhausted from hacking up the mucous constantly all day/night long. Suggestions? Advice as to when this will end?
Much Appreciated!

Caregiver to my Dad
Dx on 9/9/13
Cisplatinx3- 1st dose 10/1/13
PEG in 10/20/13
PEG out 12/24/13
Rads x 35- finished 11/15/13
Never a smoker,drinker.